Oct 31, 2014

FLS Showcase #1 - Run Run Run

Introducing my Showcase-series with a sweet reggae mix - Run Run Run, by Arise.

Go ahead and take a listen. Check out FLS mixing in action. Onwards!

I recently entered a mixing competition at CrowdAudio. You can check the competition, my mix (by BaldingGuy) and other submitted mixes here. Their frontpage had a music player that advertized what miracles us mixers can do to customers songs. That gave me the idea to do a similar thing myself. I'm hoping that by doing more of these I will see a steady progress of achieving better mixes. As always, time will tell the tale.

You can find my Run Run Run -showcase below. It's a YouTube clip that alternates the raw tracks and my mix. Just lift up your feet and lend an ear.

I found that the making of this clip made me listen my mix more carefully. And indeed, after the first version of this, I went back and brightened my original mix a bit as the comparison showed that it had an overall muddiness to it. This final version could still be a bit brighter, but it's still much better than my first mix. I tried my best to level-match the volumes of the original tracks and my mix, to not give my mix an edge with increased volume.

I feel I learned a lot by listening my mix and the raw tracks. I will definitely be doing more of these.

 Thanks for reading! Maybe even drop a comment?

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